The steps Form for parents Please fill the form and help us to have a better understanding of your child’s needs before our first meeting. Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Parent name *Student name *Email of contact *Phone of contactCountry from where the student will connect (in order to know your timezone) *School level *KS1 primary (ages 5-7)KS2 primary (ages 7-11)KS3 secondary (ages 11-14)GCSE secondary (ages 14-16)A-level (ages 16-18)OtherSubjects interested in *7 Plus8 Plus11 Plus13 PlusSecondary entry / admissionsUniversity entry / admissionsArtBiologyBusinessChemistryComputer ScienceDramaEconomicsEnglishFrenchGeographyGermanGreekHistoryItalianJaponeseLatinMandarinMathematicsMedia studiesMusicPhilosophyPhysicsPoliticsPsychologyREScienceSENSociologySpanishTheory of knolowedgeOther (please specify in message)Class sizePrivateGroup of twoGroup of threeBest days to meet for lessons (check all that apply)During the week (from Monday to Friday)During the weekends (Saturdays and/or Sundays)Best times to meet for lessons (check all that apply) (copy)MorningMid-morningAfternoonMid-afternoonEveningYour budget (£ per hour) Selected Value: 100 MessageWhere did you find out about us?Submit